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Skuodo g. 27, Kaunas

The construction of the gymnasium started in the summer of 1937 and was completed in September of 1938. The press of that time wrote that the residents of the Lower Šančiai did not like the location in Upper Šančiai, selected by the Ministry of Education: “<…> because their children will have to climb a high mountain daily” (Lithuanian News, 09/07/1937 , p. 6). In 1938 “Lithuanian Aidas” wrote: “So far, all the gymnasiums in Kaunas are located in the city centre, while two large suburbs had only one progymnasium. <…> Today all Kaunas gymnasiums are filled with students, the population of Kaunas was increasing significantly every year; thus, the number of students also grows, and they hardly fit in the existing gymnasiums. A new spacious palace was being built for Šančiai gymnasium, where it would be able to settle from the coming school year. The residents of the outskirts met the establishment of the gymnasium with great joy”. The gymnasium had 16 classes and 600 students. The gymnasium palace cost more than 1 million litas. This was one of the largest and best equipped schools in Lithuania of the thirties. The architecture reflects the characteristic tendencies of the school – the functionality and the receptive moderation of forms. Year: 1938. Style: Modernism. Architect Stasys Kudokas.

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