
Visit the most iconic locations and discover many hidden gems of Kaunas by playing an adventurous game. All you need is a smartphone with an internet and GPS connection, download the Roadgames app and you are good to go!

Roadgames creates one of the most advanced self-guided sightseeing games in the world. A couple of them you can play in Kaunas:
- The first one “Kaunas City Center” embodies the youthful and bubbly spirit of Kaunas.
- The second one “Žaliakalnis” will show you the preserved beautiful functionalism architecture that was predominant in the interbellum.
- The third one “Kaunas Fortress Rush” will open up the pages of historical drama and make you rush through the forts of Kaunas Fortress.

Take your family or friends with you and head on an adventure in Kaunas!

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