Culture Hosts are local residents of Kaunas who love their city and are ready to show the most interesting places and tell unconventional stories. It’s a free tour, although, tips are welcome. Choose one of the topics and get in touch*:

Vykintas "Street art in Kaunas" - contact
- An innovation manager whose hobby is to share historical knowledge with others
- Will show you sculptures and paintings on buildings in Kaunas
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Jovita “Personalities of interwar Žaliakalnis neighbourhood” - contact
- A tech-person, who loves books and art
- Will show you the life of Žaliakalnis during the interwar period
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Eglė "History of the Vilijampole Jewish Ghetto" - contact
- Marketing specialist presenting the city from a multicultural perspective
- Will show you old Vilijampolė: the Jewish ghetto
- Languages: lithuanian, english, russian
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Rokas "The most important houses of culture and art in Kaunas" - contact
- Musician, who explores Kaunas with his guitar
- You’re invited to discover the most important places of art and culture in Kaunas
- Languages: Lithuanian, English
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Rima "Night tour in Kaunas fortress” - contact
- Travel guide that can introduce Kaunas as a city of tunnels and dungeons
- Will tell you about the secrets of Kaunas Fortress
- Languages: lithuanian, russian
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Miglė "Traces of the Fluxus art movement in Kaunas" - contact
- Student, curious about street art
- Will invite you to explore fluxus movement and its traces in Kaunas
- Languages: Lithuanian, English
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Jokūbas “Prayer houses of Kaunas” - contact
- Highschooler and dancer, who choses different route every day to travel around Kaunas
- He will invite you to listen to the stories told by the churches, mosques, synagogues of Kaunas
- Languages: Lithuanian, English
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Simona “Stairs and panoramas of Kaunas” - contact
- Student of international politics, with extensive experience of volunteering in various initiatives of Kaunas city
- Will show you the stairs connecting different parts of the city
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- Service is free of charge and is provided voluntarily

Kernius "History of interwar cinema in Freedom avenue” - contact
- Laser engineer, scientist, future PhD student
- Will tell you about the interwar movie theatres in Kaunas
- Languages: Lithuanian, English
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Aušra "The most important interwar buildings and personalities" - contact
- Project manager, who loves her home city
- Will tell you about the interwar Kaunas – from the most prominent personalities to the most important buildings
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Regina “Secrets of the old town of Kaunas" - contact
- Dėstytoja ir gidė
- Gali papasakoti ne vieną pikantišką Kauno senamiesčio paslaptį
- Kalbos: lietuvių, rusų
- Paslauga nemokama, tačiau turą galima įvertinti paliekant arbatpinigių

Mantas "Untraditional places of Kaunas" - contact
- Doctoral student in civil engineering, who will help to discover amazing, but not easy discoverable objects in Kaunas
- Will show you the unique and weird places of Kaunas
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- The service is free, but you can appreciate the guide by leaving a tip

Povilas „Curiosities of the old history of Kaunas” - contact
- Student of history studies, whose hobby and work are one – the old history of Kaunas
- Will tell you about the old history of Kaunas
- Languages: lithuanian, english
- Service is free of charge and is provided voluntarily
* Free tours are not the main activity of the Culture hosts, so it is recommended to book the tour no later than 3-4 days before the desired date to make sure they are available.