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Wi-Fi Kaunas

Lithuania is a country with some of the fastest public wi-fi internet in the world! Kaunas is one of the leading cities in the world in the development and quality of broadband communications, only giving way to Japan's major cities. There are many freely available areas around the city, so upon arrival to our country on business, you do not need to sit with your computer in hotels and conference halls. Take it anywhere and go to work to cafes, the city's main streets, where you will easily connect to the Internet.

Free Wi-Fi spots in Kaunas:
Kaunas Airport - "Free Wi-Fi Kaunas Airport"
Laisvės alėja -
"Cgates free"
Vilnius Street - 
"Cgates free"
Kaunas bus station - "Stotis Wi-Fi"
Kaunas train station - "Link WIFI"


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